MES , has taken the lead in Executing Power Projects in general and Hydro Power Projects in particular. It has been actively exploiting opportunities in North East States of India, where potential for Hydro Power is enormous. While confronting with limitations of weather , terrain & varied social, economic back drop for hydropower development, MES has been following meticulous planning , working hard to overcome limitations, forging ahead with determination and adhering to the principle of Managerial and Business Ethics.
MES Promoters & Key persons have a strategy of Growth by Pursuing present Projects. This has helped in optimizing the Dikhu HEP . Maintaining Sustainable Development even in time of recession and Focusing Long-Term Development through Restructuring from time to time and scaling of expansion at Appropriate Time is the main strategy of the MES. This has helped to turn MES into a modern technology-, management- and capital-intensive enterprise from a traditional technologically intensive enterprise.
With sudden change of socio economical development in addition to rapid industrialization and urbanization there is going to be shortage/ slippages of Power. Hence MES will stick to its objective of becoming key Player in developing Hydro Power Projects in North East States of India. The spirit of being Investor -Oriented, being Transparent and Honest so as to promote & pursue MES vision & mission, Development of clean and renewable energy. MES is dedicated for services to all stake holders by improving economic & social benefits . MES will operate need based e-portals to all stake holders to have more transparency in company Activities.
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